Monday, October 15, 2012

Wasn't sure if we'd have class tonight.  We are at an elevated security level...basically means we have to wear our body armor anytime we are outside.  Class is in a K-span which is just a fancy name for "giant tent" so I wasn't sure if we'd still be on or not.  Ended up having class and learned a few new ways to make someone's bone stick out through their skin.

It would have been nice to find out we were on alert a little sooner.  C25k is every other day so on my in between days I still get up and just walk.  This morning I got up, threw on my shorts and t-shirt and headed out.  After I was done and in uniform I went to breakfast where I was finally told that we were supposed to be in battle rattle.  Oh well, they're usually up until all hours shooting rockets at us and stuff so I don't think the Taliban gets up that early.

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